Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

How Service Quality, Value and Corporate Image Affect Client Satisfaction and Loyalty

Suhaimi Sudin
Publikasi pada : The 2nd International Research Symposium in Service Management Yogyakarta, INDONESIA, 26 – 30 July 2011

The main objective of the study is to explore the construct of client satisfaction, its antecedents and linkages to loyalty. Understanding client satisfaction is important to the management; it could lead to client loyalty and in turn it could create competitive advantage to the firm. We need to understand what constitute client satisfaction and what factors contribute to this satisfaction. Based on literature, this study postulated that perceived quality, perceived value and image are antecedents of client satisfaction; and client satisfaction is in-turn related to loyalty. To test this framework, data from Malaysian engineering service firms were collected and analysed. Factor analysis is conducted to determine independent variables of the study. It was followed by correlation and regression analysis to test their relationship. The findings show that perceived quality and perceived value are significantly related to client satisfaction while image is partially correlated. This study also found that client satisfaction was significantly related to loyalty.
Keywords: client satisfaction, client loyalty, perceived quality, perceived value, image

Over the last decades, the vast amount of research conducted on the antecedents and consequences of client satisfaction has brought significant insights to the marketing field (Hansen et al., 2008; Ekinci et al., 2008). While the majority of today’s companies aim at satisfying their customers and achieve growth and profitability through enhanced customer loyalty, the marketers of services seem to be especially devoted to understanding the causes and effects of satisfaction. Client satisfaction is important to the marketer because it is generally assumed to be a significant determinant of repeat sales, positive word-of-mouth, and consumer loyalty. Satisfaction is important to the individual consumer because it reflects a positive outcome from the outlay of scarce resources and/or the fulfillment of unmet needs (Landon, 1977). Several service quality models have been proposed in recent years and have been broadly considered in applied research, although their validity has also been widely debated. Gronroos’ (1984) service quality model was the first attempt, and later other important researchers proposed their conceptualisation: Parasuraman et al. (1985), Cronin and Taylor (1992), Teas (1993), Dabholkar et al. (1996), Brady and Cronin (2001). High customer satisfaction ratings are widely believed to be the best indicator of a company’s future profits (Kotler, 1991). Firms increasingly use customer satisfaction as a criterion for diagnosing product or service performance and often tie customer satisfaction ratings to both executive and employee compensation. However, providing incentives to maximize customer satisfaction may actually be detrimental to the firm. To encourage actions which will lead to optimal level of satisfaction, it is necessary to develop a deeper understanding of the linkage between the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction.
The question of whether perceived service quality, perceived value, and image may directly influence clients’ satisfaction, and in turn, affect their behavioral loyalty, is another issue, and need further investigation. Basically, we need to answer to the following research questions: whether perceived quality of services, perceived value of services and corporate image are the antecedents of client satisfaction, and what are their relationships, and what are the relationship between client . . . .
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Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
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HP. 08122353284
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